You may have gotten our appeal letter and newsletter by now, and we know that our call to action and ask for financial support is one of many that you hear monthly or even weekly.  To date and thanks to just 200 individuals, 10 foundations, and 5 businesses we have raised $3.1M towards the $4.5M goal we need to get our building built and transition our operations to our new facility and campus.  To reach the goal we need you, your friends, neighbors, and family. It is going to take our whole community and then some to realize this dream that is so badly needed in order to continue to serve wildlife and the community at the level we are and beyond. 

How can you help?  

Make a transformational gift today towards our campaign.  You can do so by clicking Donate today! 

Next, tell your friends to join you in giving!  You can even set up your own fundraising challenge and crowdfund for our project by clicking on Join the Campaign above.  Set a goal and secure a group Naming Opportunity. 

If you'd like more information please email Alicia Fereday at [email protected] or call 425-780-1301.


Meet some of the fundraisers that are part of this campaign

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